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Environmental Sustainability through IoT: Remote Monitoring, Analyzing, and Acting on Data

84% of Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives either directly align with or possess the capability to support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
The sustainability and energy efficiency with IoT applications are immense across different industries

The rising challenge and awareness of Industrial Environmental Sustainability

The rising challenge and awareness of Industrial Environmental Sustainability (IES) are significant, with a growing emphasis on sustainability goals and practices across various sectors. Over 60% of businesses are failing to meet their existing sustainability targets, underscoring a notable disparity between corporate pledges and tangible advancement. 

Raising awareness of IES schemes such as United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), companies across the globe are integrating technology, adjusting policies and operations to attain the sustainability aims. Yet, lacking insight into current operations, how can these sustainable and efficient transformations be initiated?

Traditional methods of monitoring and facilitating operations across industries face significant challenges in meeting the demands of modern sustainability goals. These methods often rely on manual data collection and analysis, which can be time-consuming, costly, and prone to errors. Moreover, the lack of real-time insights hampers the ability to promptly respond to environmental changes and optimise resource usage

As industries strive to align with sustainability objectives, there is a pressing need to overcome these limitations and adopt more advanced technologies that offer real-time monitoring, analysis, and action capabilities.

  • Manual data collection: Traditional methods often involve manual collection of data from various sources, leading to delays and inaccuracies.

  • Limited visibility: Without real-time monitoring capabilities, industries have limited visibility into environmental conditions and operational performance.

  • Reactive approach: Due to the absence of real-time insights, responses to environmental challenges are often reactive rather than proactive, resulting in suboptimal outcomes.

  • Inefficient resource usage: Manual processes make it difficult to optimise resource usage and identify opportunities for efficiency improvements.

  • Inability to scale: Traditional methods may struggle to scale up to meet the growing demands of sustainability initiatives, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for improvement.

Traditional method of system and operational monitoring and efficiency boosting is challenging, especially in the vast and remote environments, industries such as Agriculture and farming, Water and Wastewater, Smart cities and councils, Logistics and Delivery, HVAC and Smart Buildings, Oil and Gas, Mining and Construction

IoT: Your Modern Approach for Environmental Sustainability

In recent years, the intersection of environmental sustainability and technology has given rise to innovative solutions aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of human activities on the planet. The green technology and sustainability solutions market is forecasted to expand from $11.2 billion in 2020 to $36.6 billion by 2025, underlining the pressing imperative to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions through technological means.

One such technology that holds immense promise is the Internet of Things (IoT). By integrating IoT devices with environmental monitoring systems, we can remotely gather data, analyse it in real-time, and take proactive measures to preserve our ecosystems. The World Economic Forum's IoT Guidelines for Sustainability report reveals that 84 percent of Internet of Things (IoT) deployments either directly address or have the potential to contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. According to the insights from Transforma, the IoT technology is expected to save at least 8 times the energy they are consuming, saving a net electricity consumption of 16,000 billion kWh by 2030.

  • Real-time monitoring: IoT applications allow for continuous monitoring of environmental parameters such as air quality, water levels, and energy consumption.

  • Data analysis: By analysing real-time data streams, IoT systems can identify trends, anomalies, and areas for improvement in sustainability practices.

  • Prompt action: IoT devices can trigger immediate responses to environmental changes or emergencies, enabling swift interventions to mitigate negative impacts.

  • Efficiency optimisation: Through constant monitoring and analysis, IoT applications can optimise resource usage, minimise waste, and improve overall efficiency in sustainability efforts.

  • Predictive capabilities: By leveraging historical data and machine learning algorithms, IoT systems can forecast future environmental trends, helping organisations proactively address sustainability challenges.

Industrial Environmental Sustainability (IES) Pioneer: Ellenex IoT solutions

At Ellenex, we believe that sensors and measurement systems are the most important parts of any process system and production line.   Backed by more than 25 years of experience in this area and recent developments in IoT (Internet of Things) networks, we designed and manufacture one of the widest ranges of end-to-end industrial LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) for mass IoT applications. Our new range of products opens up new opportunities for industries to implement the industrial internet of things (IIoT) in their production plants and service system easily with the lowest cost and minimum integration, enabling your efficient operations in Inventory management systems, Contamination and Pollution Prevention (air, water, soil), Performance Monitoring and Predictive maintenance, Safety and Disaster Prevention, Supply Chain Management, Cloud Control Loop, Workflow Management and Overload monitoring

Stands at the forefront as the premier producer of low-power IoT devices and comprehensive end-to-end solutions, Ellenex equips our industrial clients with top-tier quality sensors with software management systems. Supporting and improving the lifeblood of any process systems and production lines, we are proud and dedicated to 2030 visions for managing 300+ billion litre of liquids and reducing 8+ million tons Co2 Emissions

Over 20+ years of specialisations in the IoT domain, we develop and offer devices and remote solutions with the remarkable potential of LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technology in gathering and transmitting data, even in remote regions, presents an enticing opportunity to transform global sustainability endeavours. We collaborate with the leading LPWAN connectivity providers such as LoRaWAN and NB-IoT, providing our industrial clients with the options that best suit their operational needs.

Elevate your operational efficiency and sustainability with your our IoT technologies and pre-configured topology

The immense potential of Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technology in collecting and relaying data, even in the most isolated areas, offers a compelling opportunity to revolutionise worldwide sustainability efforts.

  • Unconventional Data Transmissions: Differentiated from traditional cellular networks, LPWAN operates on low power and can cover vast areas with minimal infrastructure, making it ideal for monitoring environments in isolated locations where power and connectivity are limited.

  • Cost-Effective Implementation: LPWAN technology requires less infrastructure and operates on low power, resulting in lower deployment and operational costs compared to traditional communication networks. This affordability makes it accessible to organisations of varying sizes and budgets, facilitating widespread adoption of sustainability initiatives.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: LPWAN networks are highly scalable, allowing for the easy addition of new devices and sensors as sustainability projects expand. Its flexibility enables customisation to suit specific performance monitoring needs, accommodating diverse applications ranging from agriculture and forestry to wildlife conservation and urban planning.

  • Long Battery Life: Our LPWAN devices are designed to operate on minimal power, prolonging battery life and reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacement. This extended lifespan enhances the reliability and sustainability of monitoring systems, ensuring continuous data collection and analysis without disruptions.

  • Integration with Existing Infrastructure: LPWAN technology can seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure, including sensors, gateways, and data management platforms. This compatibility streamlines the implementation process and maximises the utility of existing resources, minimising environmental impact and optimising resource utilisation.

The benefits of these edge-cutting IoT technologies comes along with advanced and complicated connectivities and configuration management, resulting in IoT applications failing or exceeding budgets within this unknown realm. Fortunately, Ellenex emphasises the simplicity and end-to-end service quality across all major industries, pre-configuring your IoT sensors and gateways to minimise the initialisation hazards and enabling your sustainability plan with our remote and user-friendly software platform.

Screentshot of the user-friendly interface and pre-configured set up for your IoT devices, 2 step registration are applicable to any network topologies, including LPWAN providers such as LoRaWAN and NB-IoT.

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